Regency Oaks Petition for Action

Whereas, John Weiland Homes was purchased by Wheelock Street Capital,
Whereas, John Weiland Homes has sold 30 lots to Crown Communities,
Whereas, the voice of the Regency Oaks community has and is not properly represented,
Whereas the homeowners of Regency Oaks are concerned about the value of their homes, and selective enforcement of By-laws and Covenants by the Home Owners Association (HOA) – Advisory Board, Board of Directors , NMA and John Wieland, possibly Wheelock Street Capital and Crown Communities.
We the undersigned members of Regency Oaks Homeowners Association, hereby petition John Weiland Homes and or Wheelock Street Capital and the Regency Oaks Board of Directors and Neighborhood Management Association (NMA) for the following items:
1. Immediate scheduled meeting, no later than November 14, 2013 at 7:00 PM, to vote for all advisory board members pursuant to the By-Laws and/or a process that has been in place since 2003.
2. An election of our Advisory Board members pursuant to the By-Laws.
3. A budget that reflects all accurate revenues and expenses, including all Advisory Board and Committees.
4. An audit of all Homeowners Association’s financials for the last five (5) years.
Wherefore we have affixed our signatures to this petition and make the following request of the Regency Oaks Advisory Board, Board of Directors, John Wieland and Neighborhood Management Association (NMA).