Regarding Safety of Our Children at Pathways Noida
It can be easily appreciated that these days there is a rapid increase in crime
against children in the form of sexual and physical
abuse to the extent of rapes and disability. The victim of such an abuse continue to live in that trauma forever,
no matter how much therapy may be instituted. The problem of child abuse is
here on our doors in the form of a so-called "clear and present"
danger. Therefore we must work together
to avert such calamities and the work must begin Today.
This petition is being circulated to enquire withthe School Director regarding the following concerns:
1. What are the measures taken by the Pathways School Authorities to ensure the safety and security of our children when they are in the school premises? The school must address this concern by clear communication in the form of written document of Standard Operating Procedures that have been instituted along-with a detailed verbal(didactic) description of the same during a specifically organised one-on-one session. The same may be done on 12 August 2014 during the Form Morning.
2. There are many security concerns that are being observed by us (parents) that need to be addressed. Whether it is the fact that there isn't any check of attendant's identification on the school gates or the fact that the PYP building gates become quite porous at the critical time of pick-up of kids, we the parents request for a direct one-to-one session (that may be clubbed together with point-1) where we would like to voice such concerns. Additionally there should be a one-point contact for our security concerns to whom we shall communicate the same in future.
This issue of child safety is a proverbial "elephant in the
room" and cannot be ignored by anyone of us and
especially not the school authorities. Over the years we have been interacting
with the school authorities and are confident that they too would be equally
keen to address the above-mentioned concerns.