Shannon Kittrick 0

Ms. Raup: Reform Wilkes Barre Crime Watch Coalition

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Shannon Kittrick 0 Comments
19 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Wilkes Barre citizens want a Crime Watch Organization that mobilizes community. As citizens of Wilkes Barre we know that strength in numbers is the best way to fight crime. That’s why we are demanding that the Wilkes Barre Crime Watch Organization reform how it engages its community members NOW!

The Problem: The current Wilkes Barre Crime Watch's President and administrators have been accused over and over again of censorship and banning hard working community members to help fight crime on her Facebook pages, Wilkes-Barre Crime Watch, and affiliate Just Sayin.

We want change and believe the organization should spend more time bringing our community together to fight crime rather than dividing community members through social media.

As a result, there have been thousands of community members that have been prevented from helping fight crime through social media.

Only in solidarity can we fight discrimination, and misuse of authority. Please Sign our petition.

Here is the list of the new pages that have been started because members have been censored, banned or discriminated against on Wilkes Barre Crime Watch and Just Sayin:

People of Wilkes Barre for a Unified Crime Watch:

Wilkes Barre Crime Watch 2:

Wilkes Barre and Surrounding Area News;

WB Free Speech:

Uncensored Wilkes Barre Crime

Crazy S*** going down in Wilkes Barre:

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