Reform Tippecanoe County's Justice System in IN.

Please sign petition if you believe sentencing on drug charges should be reformed. Local non-violent drug users and offenders are given more prison time than murderers or child-molesters. Drug offenders are now given non-suspendable sentences and regardless of what they accomplish in prison to show they're reformed, they are denied early release. I believe drug offenders should be given a second chance if they obtain their GED and go on to earn their Associates or Bachelor's degree while in prison. I believe each case should be judged upon reform for re-enty and not a pre-set law that requires an offender to serve 20 or more years, regardless of what they've accomplished. I believe this would solve the problem of over-crowding in prisons and the cost to taxpayers for building more prisons. I believe drug offenders in prison for the first time should be given a second chance!