Reforming the Juvenile Justice System
This petition is in remembrance of Sergeant Verdell Smith, SR. On 06/04/2016, Sergeant Smith was attempting to clear the intersection when he was intentionally struck and killed by a man accused of shooting three people in Downtown Memphis. He diligently spent countless hours pouring into his community and educating the youth. Prior to his death, he started a petition in order to educate the youth in his community and surrounding areas. His goal was to have 1,000 people to sign the petition.
April 13th, 2016 was the last time he shared his petition and this was his idea for educating our youth "The time has come for a change in the behavior of our youth. Our children need to be educated and guided in the right direction, as we guide them, we must make sure they understand the major consequences of their criminal activity. Elite Services Resource Center, Inc., incorporation with Face Your Future has established a educational program that will assist our children in the effort to educate those juvenile offenders leaving incarceration and those juvenile offender who are facing incarceration time. Let's help with the decrease of recidivism and juvenile incarceration by education. Please help with this cause by signing the petition for a change."