For the Fondation Motrice Reform

For the Fondation Motrice Reform

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PETITION TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE FONDATION MOTRICE COPY TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN,THE PRINCE OF MONACO,HE NICOLAS SARKOZY PRESIDENT OF FRANCE, THE LEADER OF HM OFFICIAL OPPOSITION,THE PM OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, HM AMBASSADOR IN PARIS AND ALL THE PEOPLE CONCERNED President Chatelin, Few years ago when the Fondation Motrice was created, it gave a lot of comfort to a lot of people. It seemed that you and your son[Mr Matthieu Chatelin of Lupane-Bempc] have decided to rule this Foundation as a family dynasty which would have been perfectly fine if concrete results could have been assessed. Since being Patroned by the Heir Presumptive to the Monaco`s Throne, you have achieved great successes and potentially won a lot of money. However, in the English brochure of your Foundation that was given to us, it is said that your Foundation[and so consequently under The Chatelin`s Dynasty Rule with Mr Casiraghi] has a budget of 1.5 Millions Euros. But since that French law requires you to have 1.000.000 euros at your disposal to keep your Foundation, you can only spend a tiny amount of money, It is mentioned as well that you are only able according to the 2007 data in your brochure to spend a few euros per patient while you admit that it would cost much more. Even if we fully agree with the prospective study, it is for us a crying appeal from your ``subjects`` to be helped we do not understand nor are we ready to accept 3 things: You still seem to think that your Foundation could work without a social branch. By Social branch, we do not mean automatically taking people on holidays but at least acknowledging that the rich people with cp are a minority and that they should be forced to acknowledge the minority of us are poor. The poor people should be included in the advising process and not left aside. 2- Your Foundation claims to be the only one doing research in Europe. Even if it would be true, we think that from a British point of view but also from an American or Scandinavian one, that it is a dangerous thing to be forced to have Members of the Government in your board. 3- Despite the fact that your people is crying in pain and going into more difficulties every single day until your Foundation would be able to work properly, that you, your son and Mr Casiraghi could afford yourselves the luxury to cancel events that are the only thing that are for now giving us hope. Moreover, you have to know that you represent us, and not the contrary. Your son, Matthieu, should be a symbol able to represent us all, not only a tiny elite. Therefore, we reject the appeal of Matthieu that was saying in his last speech when quoted`` Those of us with CP do not live like you - but we nevertheless interact in the same world. For all of us, each obstacle we overcome can become an enduring asset, but with any disability there are unfortunately many obstacles to overcome. Often these obstacles are to do with the way people cannot or do not want to see the wealth of talents within each of us, with or without CP, that can benefit the whole community. In some countries or societies, this potential seems to have been recognised; and this facilitates a full life. But one still has to live with oneâ

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