Reform Truck Driver Training

We all know there has to be a place to learn, and training companies are supposed to be able to do this in a safe manner. Yet, when some are boasting they'll have you in your own truck within SEVENTEEN days, training with a new driver themselves, while boasting a 99.99% safety rating last I checked, how is this safe???? (For the non-truckers, safety ratings are between 1 and 100%, and the closer you are to 100, the worse.)
6 months with a qualified "licensed" driver trainer (5 years 500,000 miles driving experience with no accidents and no more than 3 points on their CDL DMV report plus completing a course and exam to be a "Licensed" Driver Trainer).
The driver trainer must always be in the right seat awake, observing and instructing the trainee. Under no circumstances can a driver trainer be in the sleeper while the trainee is driving.
I will go furthermore in stating that there should be a psychological evaluation of anyone wanting to pursue trainer status as a career.
I will hand deliver this petition to senators.