Reestablish the 501c3 Court of Georgia

First and Foremost,
I wish to extend my thanks, gratitude and appreciation for supporting our cause to bringing and reestablishing a Court here within the Empire State of the South. At this time, the intent of this petition is to show interest both from within and outside the realm that we are trying to embody by creating a Court here. We are currently in the process of becoming official and this petition is intended to show that there is a support and following of individuals who wish to see the same and see another organization support our vast community. Again, we are currently unofficial and taking steps to reestablish the Court of Georgia. Your assistance and support is greatly appreciated and I thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart. The entirety of the proposed board of directors does. Below is an excerpt from our current proposed mission statement so you can understand what we’re about. Much love and happiness to y’all!
The (Proposed) Board of Directors
(Proposed) Mission Statement:
The Crown Magnolia Court of Georgia (CMCG) works to educate and advocate for the LGBTQIA and the allied community of Georgia. The Court will promote social tolerance through the production and action of performance and the arts. The CMCG works to eliminate the historical oppression and homophobia of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queen, intersex, and asexual individuals in the South. This will be done by creating a safe and welcoming environment through the production of events which explore multiple gender expressions in a fun, safe, and educational manner.