Reducing the Speed Limit on Hwy 403
The speed limit on Provincial Road 403 along Debonair Campground in St. Malo is too fast for safety. Debonair Campground is situated on both sides of PR 403. With the high volume of traffic, including countless heavy trucks, driving through at high speeds makes crossing the road extremely dangerous for pedestrians. Westbound Traffic cannot see pedestrians crossing until last minute due to the highway incline before Debonair Campground then decline at Debonair Campground. From May to October, there are hundreds of pedestrians, including children, crossing from one side of the highway to the other. See Debonair Map Link on the right hand side of the screen. The behavior of motorists is influenced by the speed at which they are traveling. A motorist traveling at a slower rate of speed has more time to see and react when seeing a pedestrian than someone who is going fast. There are no pedestrian crossing signs to warn motorists of the potential hazard ahead, yet there are deer crossing signs. Human life should also be protected with warning signs and a lower speed limit. There have been several close calls involving children over the years. It\'s just a matter of time before a serious accident occurs. We, the undersigned propose to change the speed limit from 90 km to 60 km/hr on highway 403 along Debonair Campground in St. Malo, Manitoba. P.S. When signing the petition, your email adress will not be disclosed online.