Reduce work hours for essential retail workers
As a pharmacy technician currently admitted today to a hospital with flu, coronavirus symptoms, and shortness of breath, I am awaiting my swab test results. As I lie here thinking about what's going on around the world and now at our doorstep, I ponder what can I do to further support those that are still at work.
Although I may not see eye to eye with policies, closures, and procedure, this is beyond myself. How can I help others? Can I help make a change? I can try.
Yesterday I sent a message to our state governor to cut back time that business are open. I also reached out to my employer by social media and email. We can't control social distancing while walking in isles of store, saying hello to someone we know for a brief chat, Standing across from the gas pump from anther person. Sitting six feet from my mom and kids at church and able to shake hands with my friends in the Lord.
But we can ABSOLUTELY control time. Currently we are mandated to been at our residence at 8pm. This should apply to workers as well. Therefore I propose to further limit store store hours. Designate an hour for compromised people (elderly, health issues, disabled) at 10am then remain open for eight hours for others.
This allows all public persons so shop and return home. Closing doors at 7pm will allow time for closing procedures and majority workers to be home near 8pm. This also cuts down on exposure time.
I thank each one who reads this, passes it forward, and signs.