Reduce US Debt - Recind Polititions Retirements
The USA was never intended to be a country which paid past politions forever! American politics has become big business for fat cats at the expense of the people. In what other field of endeavor is someone paid a salary for lawsuit-free services, which are often done for [totally] self-serving purposes, in a cushy environment, with most outside expenses paid by others, only to be able to retire early and continue to get their full salary for the rest of their life? And that’s not all: they use their publicly paid for network cronies and these positions gained through this political avenue to further line their pockets as paid speakers, writers, CEO’s, and lobbyists! AMERICA: Vote here to repeal, revoke, recind, and forever terminate US Polititions retirement salaries. Let them INVEST PART OF THEIR SALARIES in 40lK's, AND INVEST IN SOCIAL SECURITY like the rest of America!