Reduce Traffic on Church End

I moved to Church End with my family in August 2013. I very soon became concerned about the traffic that passes through Church End, particularly at week-day peak times. I was also concerned about the speed with which traffic negotiated the bend at the meeting of Church End and Rosemary Lane.
I believe one of the issues is that traffic commuting in and out of Cambridge is using Church End and Rosemary Lane to bypass the traffic lights on the junction of Coldhams Lane and High Street.
I recently contacted Sandra Crawford, councillor for Cherry Hinton. She arranged a site visit with a representative from the Council’s highways department. It was observed that there was an issue and that the best course of action would be to reduce the volume of traffic. The best solution offered was to introduce some pinch points in order to make Church End a less attractive short-cut.
However, it was also suggested that some support would be required to press the case for action by the Council. I have therefore set up an online petition at the following address.
Please add your name by way of support and also add any comments.
Email ReduceTrafficOnChurchEnd@gmail.com