Roland Tesmer 0

Reduce traffic and speed on Sharon - Chilton

27 signers. Add your name now!
Roland Tesmer 0 Comments
27 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The section of Sharon Rd and Chilton Pl, between S Wendover and Queens Rd, is carrying an average daily traffic volume of 15,000 vehicles per day. That is equivalent to a vehicle driving past your property every 6 seconds, 24 hours per day. In addition to the high volume of traffic on both roads, more than 85% of vehicles using Sharon Rd exceed the posted speed limits - more than 30% exceed 40mph.

The excessive volume and speed of traffic is ruining the livability, local function and safety of our neighborhood. If you believe our neighborhood would benefit from less traffic and reduced speeding we would like to invite you to sign our petition.

With this petition we want to send a clear message to the City that residents demand action to:

1. Significantly reduce north and south bound traffic volumes on Sharon Rd and Chilton Pl by discouraging cut-through traffic. This could be achieved by changing traffic signal timings at S Wendover/Sharon, Queens/Selwyn & Queens/Radcliffe to direct traffic along the designated thoroughfares.

2. Reduce excessive speeding on Sharon Rd through features that manage the movement and speed of vehicles. This could be achieved by maintaining a continuous 25 mph limit along Sharon Rd and Chilton Pl, all-way stops at key cross roads, chicanes, and cross walks.

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