Reduce Fajr Academy's High Fee Rates
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Reduce Fajr Academy's High Fee Rates

60 signers. Add your name now!
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Adam B. signed just now

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Respected Principal,

Assalamu Alykum

With respect to Fajr Academy’s risen fee structure and the policy of no sibling fee discount, parents are being deeply concerned with the soaring expenses they have to bear in order to educate their children in your prestigious school.

Consequently, we, the parents, earnestly request the school management to consider a reduction/ revision of the school-related costs that we are being charged with on a continuing basis. This in particular includes:

  • The admission fee
  • Absence of sibling fee discount
  • Quarterly tuition fee
  • Half-yearly stationary fee
  • Separate charges for hifz and sports
  • Yearly fee increment

As endorsed by the addressee himself, a harmonious working environment for the child is achieved when both the parent and the school educator are cooperating on a common platform, and to part ways from the each other on monetary disagreement is certainly not a desirable option.

We are in good hope that the management will take prompt notice and will respond with due appropriateness to our application.

JazakAllahu Khair,

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