Esha A 0

Reduce Deforestation

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Forests are being cut down and burned for numerous reasons like for future production of growth, to make paper/paper products, to help economy and help create more jobs but with the pace that it is happening in it has very negative impacts in climate and is a major factor in climate change. We want to shed light on the truth about deforestation and limit it so that it won't lead to major issues like floods, droughts, big changes in climate, interference in natural cycles and even a decrease of oxygen produced. By signing this petition you are saying that you as an individual want to help make a change and reduce deforestation by limiting your use of paper/paper products daily to better the world. This petition can get attention from major broadcasters and help make a difference in our future!

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