Planning Application for Swan Wharf in Fish Island & White Post Lane Conservation Area (PA 14/00262/FUL)

We the undersigned object
to PA/14/00262/FUL as it would contravene LLDC and other national planning policies
(with regard to preservation of heritage assets in a conservation area) by:
* demolishing the 1906-12 three-storey stable block at Swan Wharf (except for the two outer walls seen from Dace Road) and erecting a much wider and taller building on the site and a large part of the yard.
* erecting a large four-storey building in the yard at Swan Wharf, directly alongside the 1904 engineering workshop and forge by the River Lea.
* removing the wall crane from the cantilevered steel frame of the former barge loading canopy near Old Ford Locks, and inserting three balconies.
We are in favour of regeneration and additional workspace in the Fish Island & White Post Lane Conservation Area and in conformity with LLDC and all other relevant policies, we expect that:
* the three-storey stable block is repaired and adapted for flexible workspace on all three floors.
* the yard is “retained for creative and productive uses”.
* the wall crane is retained and the integrity of the former barge loading canopy is not compromised by the insertion of balconies.