Redbridge Roundabout - Petition to the House of Commoms

Clerk of Public Petitions signature: Presenting Members name and Signature
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Lee Scott
Short title: Redbridge Roundabout Accident Prevention Measures
To the House of Commons
The petition of the residents of Ilford North and others.
Declares that the petitioners are extremely concerned at the high level of reported accidents (average one a week) and the potential for more fatal accidents on the Redbridge Roundabout (LBR).
This is a major road junction on the east of London (reputed to be one of the busiest and most dangerous in Europe) carrying heavy traffic from the M11, North Circular Road and the A12. All connecting roads on the gyratory have traffic lights apart from one road, Redbridge Lane East.
Traffic from Redbridge Lane East is unable to safely join this constantly busy roundabout and only two or three cars can enter the roundabout on each cycle of the lights. This in turn causes up to 45 minute delays on reaching the roundabout and this generates pollution levels above safe limits, inconsiderate driving by frustrated drivers and stress and anxiety experienced by drivers contemplating taking the high risk strategy of trying to get across the roundabout without having an accident.
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons to direct TfL (Transport for London) to install traffic lights at the Redbridge Lane East junction or at least to establish a system such as adjusting the existing traffic light timings so that at least 6 or 8 cars can safely get onto the roundabout on each traffic light cycle.
And the Petitioners remain, etc.