Support Local Business Recycling in the Hailsham Area

WD/662/CM Polegate Yard, Coldthorn Lane, Hailsham. Change of use from mortar, aggregate and concrete plant yard and depot (part B2 and B8 use) to an inert recycling operation (45,000 tonnes per annum), dry recyclables storage and skip storage area with acoustic screening bunds. Recycling in today’s world is fundamental to our existence for now and for future generations. Failure to embrace the ideology to prevent waste streams entering Landfill will only be detrimental to businesses, communities and the environment as a whole. Having a local facility will reduce the carbon footprint and promoting recycling at ground level & will not only encourage business and the community to recycle more but will also invest more funds by means of eliminating Landfill tax Charges. Support Haulaway in their application as detailed above knowing any proposal that will assist in the essential move to increase recycling should be looked at in a positive light. The depot owned by Haulaway Ltd is located just off the dual carriageway and fits in with its surroundings. This once redundant Cement/Mortar batching plant was and potentially could still be very active indeed if turned back to thoses days of batching, with already granted highway permissions for HGV movements. There is a number of associated construction Businesses in the immediate area. It is surrounded by woodland so there are few public views of this site. It is a Brownfield site that was, as previously stated a concrete/mortar batching plant. This small local business should be supported in their efforts to increase recycling as this helps to boost both local and national levels. It is also refreshing to know that waste being thrown into a skips is being processed thoroughly and not just sent for landfill.