recycle ya trash my dudes
Indigo Howland 0

recycle ya trash my dudes

15 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Indigo Howland 0 Comments
15 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

So, recently I have noticed that there is a lack of recycling bins around HSPA (Hunter School of the Performing Arts). The aim of this petition is to raise awareness of the state of this Earth and how it is growing increasingly more and more ill as time goes by due to human ignorance. So, I decided to make this petition to get more recycling bins throughout HSPA so we can at least do a small part in helping to keep the Earth "clean".

I know that people think that a couple of people recycling and whatnot "won't change anything", but as a matter of fact it does more good than if we were to just continue throwing out recyclable items.

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