60,000,000 Reacreational Fishermen

As one of 60 million anglers in the United States, I am writing to
express my deep concerns regarding the National Ocean and Great Lakes
Policy proposal recently released by the Ocean Policy Task Force. I am
very disappointed that the task force failed to recognize the
significant conservation, economic and social contributions of
recreational fishing and include that as a key policy component. I am
also very concerned about the abbreviated 90 day timeline which forced
the Task Force to rush to issue this policy document. The implications
of such a policy are vast and nationwide. Therefore, the review process
should be very deliberate and with more than 30 days of public review
and comment.
My fishing license fees go directly towards conserving and managing
fisheries in my state. Additionally, every time I purchase fishing
equipment, the federal excise tax on that purchase goes to state fish
and wildlife agencies for fisheries conservation throughout this
nation. It’s safe to say that recreational anglers have provided the
lion’s share of funding for fisheries conservation and management in
this country for well over 50 years. In fact, according to NOAA
Fisheries, saltwater anglers contribute over $82 billion to the economy
and support over half a million jobs.
How can our contributions be ignored?
I am a conservationist who loves the outdoors. I believe that
recreational activities like responsibly-managed and regulated
recreational fishing deserve full consideration and incorporation in
the administration’s ocean and Great Lakes policy. Providing the
angling public with access to public resources is no less important
than conserving those resources. Therefore, I am urging you to include
recreational fishing as a separate and distinct ocean and Great Lakes
http://www.mssa.net/newsarticles/news10rfapushes012710.pdf - MSSA & RFA UNITE!
http://www.joinrfa.org/Press/UnitedWeFish_121609.pdf - UNITED WE FISH RALLY in DC!
Write a letter, spread the word and show up for the Rally in Washington DC:
Senator Barbara Mikulski (D- MD) 202-224-4654 202-224-8858 http://mikulski.senate.gov/Contact/contact.cfm
Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D- MD) 202-224-4524 202-224-1651 http://cardin.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Representative Frank M. Kratovil, Jr. (D - 01) 202-225-5311 202-225-0254 http://kratovil.house.gov/index.cfm?...60§iontree=360
Representative C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D - 02) 202-225-3061 202-225-3094 http://dutch.house.gov/writedutch_za.shtml
Representative John Sarbanes (D - 03) 202-225-4016 202-225-9219 http://sarbanes.house.gov/federal.asp
Representative Donna Edwards (D - 04) 202-225-8699 202-225-8714 http://donnaedwards.house.gov/index....52§iontree=452
Representative Steny Hoyer (D - 05) 202-225-4131 202-225-4300 http://hoyer.house.gov/contact/email.asp
Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R - 06) 202-225-2721 202-225-2193 http://bartlett.house.gov/Email_Roscoe/
Representative Elijah E. Cummings (D - 07) 202-225-4741 202-225-3178 https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml
Representative Chris Van Hollen, Jr. (D - 08) 202-225-5341 202-225-0375 http://vanhollen.house.gov/Contact/
Thank you for your consideration.