Reconsider Amendment 10

We, the undersigned, are members, Majority Members, and concerned adults who support Job's Daughters International. We are deeply concerned at the paper-thin margin by which Amendment 10 failed at Supreme Session 2015. As such, we hereby sign our names to request the following:
1. That a Motion to Reconsider Amendment 10 be brought from the floor of Supreme Session 2015;
2. That should said Motion pass by a simple majority vote, Amendment 10 would be re-voted upon; AND
3. That Amendment 10 be subject to the 2/3 majority voting requirement to pass, per Supreme Bethel Bylaws and voting procedures.
In essence, we are asking for a do-over. Our voices must be heard, and the support for this amendment is overwhelmingly positive amongst the rank-and-file. Look no further than the 188-45 vote amongst the Daughters present at Supreme. That's an 80% endorsement. Far greater than the 2/3 needed. Six adult votes should never get in the way of the voices of the Daughters.
Respectfully Submitted,