Recall Jan Olmstead as Summit UniServ President

Summit UniServ Council President Recall
This petition expresses our deep concerns regarding the current leadership of our Council and formally requests the recall of Jan Olmstead from the position of Council President. It is evident that she has failed to fulfill her duties and obligations to represent the best interests of the Council membership, and as a result, she no longer has the confidence or support of a significant portion of the membership.
The reasons for this recall petition are as follows:
- Lack of Respect for Staff: Jan Olmstead consistently showed a disregard for respectful conversation with staff at Summit UniServ. She made requests of staff without any notice, failed to hold conversations with staff members, dismissed staff concerns without conversation, and created a divisive and hostile work environment.
- Failure to Provide Information to Members: Jan Olmstead has failed to provide the Local Presidents and members with reports from WEA Council President Meetings. This does not allow Local Presidents or members to be informed or contribute to WEA decision-making, and it shows a lack of transparency in her leadership style.
- Failure to Hold Scheduled Meetings: Jan Olmstead has canceled two (2) meetings of the Summit Executive Board this year without reason. This contributes to the lack of information Local Presidents have and hinders their ability to make informed decisions as local leaders.
- Lack of Preparation for Meeting: Jan Olmstead relies on staff to produce meeting agendas for the Summit Executive Board and Summit Representative Assembly Meetings. When staff create an email for agenda input, she does not participate and questions who and why items are on the agenda during the meeting. She has not given a President’s Report at four (4) out of seven (7) Summit Executive Board Meetings and two (2) out of three (3) Representative Assembly Meetings this year. This creates an unwelcoming environment for Local Presidents and staff and again creates a lack of transparency and information.
- Failure to Support Members through the Budget Process: Jan Olmstead is opposed to spending union money on members. This was evident through her opposition to paying for State Delegates to NEA RA, Ballot Point Election support costs, the Summit Caucus at WEA RA, and using funds to support member events throughout the Council.
- Lack of Participation in Council Meetings: Jan Olmstead fails to engage in Summit UniServ Council Meetings fully. This was evident in her lack of preparation and participation at the Summit Mock RA, failure to show up to the Summit Caucus at WEA RA (day 2) and non-participation on day 1, failure to give a President’s report at multiple Summit Executive Board and Representative Assembly Meetings. This all contributes to the lack of transparency and information for Local Presidents and members to make informed decisions concerning their union.
Given these grave concerns, we, the undersigned members of the Council, hereby formally request the recall of Jan Olmstead from the position of Council President. We believe that her continued leadership poses a significant threat to the welfare and interests of the Council and Union membership. We urge the Council leadership and governing body to take swift and decisive action in response to this petition, and we stand ready to support the necessary steps to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of our Council leadership.