Recall Claudia Daigle from the ECIA Board
Joni Alm 0

Recall Claudia Daigle from the ECIA Board

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Joni Alm 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Because Claudia Daigle inexcusably removed a campaign sign from private property without the owner's permission and, while doing so, misrepresented that she was acting on behalf of the ECIA Board (in violation of Artile V, Section 8 of the ECIA Bylaws dated May 2, 2016); and because she has exhibited a conflict of interest (in violation of Article II, Section 5 of said Bylaws) by continuing to pursue solar and anti-chicken issues, which has the potential to cost Eldorado residents thousands of dollars; the below signed Eldorado residents in good standing (homeowners dues paid up) hereby petition the ECIA Board for the removal of Claudia Daigle.

PLEASE NOTE: This online petition is ONLY if you cannot or have not signed a paper petition. All signatures/entries must contain full name, property address, and email address or telephone number. Your signature will only be valid if you are a homeowner within the boundaries of Eldorado and your homeowners dues are paid up/current. THANK YOU!

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