![Turning a school into a REAL leadership school](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/assets/v4/images/default/petitionsThumbs/21.webp)
Turning a school into a REAL leadership school
(THIS PETITION IS FOR SOUTH SEMINOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL) Have you ever wondered what school would be like with actually good after school programs and fun that lasted longer than 45 minutes? Of course because you are alive right now and reading this. This is a proposition for the school because nobody listens to me and Ive been told I have great ideas. This summary will of course be fine tuned later. The reason this petition exists is to get my word out to the people, so my voice is stronger than just a bearded eighth grader with giant hands. If you support me and my struggle you support things like
Sports tournaments
Actually fun dances
Better fundraising opportunities
Gaming tournaments
More student involvement
Creativity expressed in clubs
And more
Now, not all of my ideas are on here, but will be updated by Sunday at the latest. This petition will be sent in Monday morning at 8 am est. Not all ideas on here are guaranteed.