Re-zoning Tract 4 - "Pilot at Sedgefield"

Dear Members of the City of Greensboro Zoning Commission,
We are writing to express concern over the proposed re-zoning of Tract 4 at the “Pilot at Sedgefield” located at 5300 High Point Road, Greensboro, 27407 (Case number Z-18-010-001). The proposal being presented on behalf of Cameron Building Contractors/Resort Lifestyle Communities is requesting an increase in the current number of stories allowed from 2 to 3, and the current number of units allowed from 93 to 130. As you may know, Tracts 4 and 5, which abut High Point Road and are directly across from the Sedgefield neighborhood, were set to be purely residential, “lower density, lower height,” townhomes or single detached homes with “proper landscaping, proper setbacks, limited to 2 stories in height, not proposing apartments, not proposing 3 story buildings.” These assurances were all noted by representatives of Kisco Senior Living to the City of Greensboro Zoning Commission during their March 2015 meeting (see link to video of meeting below), as well as to Sedgefield and surrounding area residents, in an effort to obtain approval for the rezoning of this property to a PUD. The conditions set forth with this 2015 request were greatly appreciated, and Kisco’s efforts to work with the surrounding communities to preserve the historical and architectural integrity of the area was admirable.
Per additional comments from representatives of Kisco in the media at that time (Triad Business Journal, March 27, 2015), “what we visualize for tracts four and five are single-family homes, smaller, step-down homes for couples, retirees, empty nesters,” and “what happens on one tract is going to impact the values of the others,and Kisco wants people to come in and really do it justice,” as well as "the company will seek city zoning in a "planned unit development, mixed use" category that will set conditions such as limits on building heights that ensures future development complements the Sedgefield area's attractive design,” (Triad Business Journal, Jan 15, 2015)
Currently, through 2 public meetings with about 25 people total in attendance, Cameron Building Contractors and their representatives have promised to build a structure that respects/reflects the architectural integrity of the area. However, the request to increase the height allowance, as well as number of units, is not in line with what was promised in order to obtain the PUD rezoning in 2015. Additionally, the development of this first tract will set the tone for the development of all future tracts on this property. Therefore members of the neighboring communities believe the following conditions, at the very least, should be added to this request in order to be approved:
- Making sure the architectural integrity of the property/building is in line with the surrounding community, elements found in the original architecture from 1920s – Pilot Life Building, Adamsleigh, Sedgefield CC, Ayreshire, etc. This may include but not limited to exterior finish, true divided light or simulated divided light windows, style of exterior lighting, roof composition, that the entire structure be built of brick and/or natural stone, etc.
- Confirming that the exclusive operation and use of will be for Resort Lifestyle Communities as an independent living community.
- Higher level of landscaping/buffer - would like to see tree plantings of various hardwood varieties (oak, maple, etc) as well as evergreen varieties that will allow for adequate screening - whatever level provides enough of a buffer, as well as enhances that intersection and road frontage.
- Proper screening and placement on site for garages/storage units. Prefer that garages not be in a prominent view from High Point Road.
- Provide enhancements to Tract 4 road frontage and up to the signalized interchange at High Point Road and Alamance Road. These enhancements may include but not limited to sidewalks, crosswalks, traffic signal posts instead of wire hung traffic signal, exterior lighting post, as well as monument signage if any.
- No chain link fencing if any to be used by development.
Our goal is to work with Cameron Building Contractors, and in turn, with these additional conditions to their re-zoning request, create a product that is beneficial for everyone, as well as sets the proper tone for the rest of the property. If these conditions are not included in their request to the Zoning Commission, then we believe the re-zoning request should NOT be approved this coming Monday, Oct 15th.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. We look forward to seeing you on Monday, October 15th.
Members of Sedgefield and Surrounding Communities
City of Greensboro Zoning Commission Meeting Video March 9, 2015 - http://greensboro.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=16&clip_id=2318
Triad Business Journal Article about marketing the property March 27, 2015 - https://www.bizjournals.com/triad/news/2015/03/27/cbre-to-market-pilot-life-property-at-sedgefield.html
Triad Business Journal Jan 5, 2015 - https://www.greensboro.com/news/government/plans-unveiled-to-develop-former-pilot-life-campus/article_66bac0d6-9cfb-11e4-9202-730fd3afbc14.html