Motorized Bicycle & Club California 0

Proper: Remove Gates & Re-Open two public campgrounds at Stony Creek and Agua Escondido to enjoy (Stolen Public Property) Forest Service Road 32S07

43 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Motorized Bicycle & Club California 0 Comments
43 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Updated 12/20/2022 - OLD POST

This is know as "Land Grab" By the Ranchers! and they mush be met with Criminal Charges. and Retro Repayment of USDA/USFS/BLM grants obtained illegally.

Land grabbing and illegal ranching (even on public lands) has long been, and still is, big business :

The Story of Huasna Road/Valley

The road – known as Huasna Road – begins in the town of Arroyo Grande,CA and passes buy 25 miles of private farmland, ranches, and a historic townsite before reaching the oak-studded valleys and chaparral-covered hills in the Los Padres National Forest. For decades, visitors have flocked to the area’s two public campgrounds at Stony Creek and Agua Escondido to enjoy springtime wildflower displays, unique rock outcrops, ancient Native American pictographs, abundant game, and access to hiking & Off Road trails leading in all directions across thousands of acres of national forest land. Connecting with Rock Front Ranch off Hw166, Is a OHV Public area.
But today, public access to the area is Illegally blocked by gates and barricades that the Messer Land & Development Company (Kerckhoff Ranch Company) has installed across several segments of the county rite away, Huasna Road. The road passes through the company’s vast property holdings before entering the national forest, Witch is open to the public. Hausna is the only road acuess to the Garcia Wilderness from Arroyo Grande, or South County, San Luis Obispo. This area is open the the public. And Fake (Not Enforceable) Singh's are posted "NO TRESPASSING" , Witch is Not Enforceable due to the road being a public road, A County Rite-A-Way, and PG&E Easement. And USFS Use. Just Because there is a (Locked/Un-Locked) gate or a Sigh that says No Trespassing dose not mean that you are breaking the law, or that you are trespassing. Because it is wilderness owned by the federal government or (BLM) and is open to the public. In our eyes as the county has orderd these gates to be removed. if you were to go around or remove them. you would not be violating any law, since they are not owned by anyone. and are dreamed to be TRASH or rubbish, and need's to be removed. You will not be trespassing. If the land owner's or workers try to stop you, and threaten you with arest, or violance, i recomend you call the sheriff and place them under arest, and press charges. Harasment or Threting you with a weppon. we will help you prosuacute them. But Ignore them and continue on with your day, Rember. That eather side of the road is there proprty untell you are in the USFS land's. But due to not beaing finced off and Accable to the public, just keep off of it, but you wont be prosucuted. it is like walking on some ones frount lawn, witn no fience. do no damang u do not worng. But Stay on the road tell your in the forest boundrys. Use Google Maps to See Boundrys. Speed Limit is 15MPH Max Speed, as it is a county road u must obay this speed law. and all laws of the road as this is a regular road so you need a legal car, and drivers licens. Dont drink and drive. dont litter anywhere in the wilderness. it is bad. Please Respect the out doors. Pack it in Pack it out. and keep the place nice. so eveyone can enjoy it. dont piss off the rancers (dont go looking for problams with them) but if the start it. Put your foot donw. They will threten you with lies. and even call the Sheriff... Just rember your on a Legal County Road. and US Forest Service Route and you are Entittled to be out there. Just be polite. and dont back down. We will help you. Record them if you can for our lawsut. - Trail Blazers of Pismo ***********About Us: We are a non profit Club trying to re Re-Gain public access to the Hausna valley witch is public land. the ranch owners ignored county law and place gates restricting access to the garcia wilderness, hausna road (public rite of way) and Stoney Creek campground a Federal Public Forest Campground we all pay taxes for and to use. this is for the Removal of all gates on Forest Service Road 32S07 (Hausna Rd) Cleaning the public road to Stoney Creek Campground From Arroyo Grande CA


UPDATE: 06/07/2017: By and Supported by Members of Trail Blazers of Pismo. and others.

Update: We have made the decision to increase knowledge of this case.

!!! WE will be doing a trash clean up, will be removing trash and the gates on Forest Service Road 32S07 (Hausna Rd) Up to the point of Stony Creek Campground. !!!!

And do a road/Campground Cleanup. (4L19)


UPDATE: 8/31/2017 By: Motorized Bicycle & Club, Steven

We still need your signtures. We are keeping it up to get this road free of gates, and re-open the campgrounds. Thanks for your support.

UPDATE: 12/20/2022 ANOY.

Requested Update - Re open Investigation

Contacted and will continue to post more updates when i get them.


Groups that we would like to thank for providing infmation for this site. or efforts of akid

Los Padres Forest Watch (

Huasna Valley Association

Sierra Club, Santa Lucia Chapter

The Wilderness Society

California Off-Road Vehicle Association (

The California Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc (

Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association

Off-Road Business Association


  • Major Supporter of this Group Efforts. Direct Contract for Services.

Siearra Towing

Siearra Auto Wrecking

Super Car Co.

Trail Blazers of Pismo

The Auto Part Repair .LLC

S.L.O. Patrol Security Services .LLC

Motorized Bicycle & Club (Sub Supporting Club)

******************* From Supporter.

This is a E-Mail we Reserved and Shared:

Stony Creek. & LPFW
My attention was recently directed to your effort to reopen the Stony Creek Road. There is a group that has been working on this issue for some time. It is true that the ranch is not interested in reopening the road, the county and the Forest Service seem powerless to effect an opening, but.... I have several issues with your approach. For a start, fix your spelling errors. No one can take anyone seriously who does not concern themselves with their grammar and spelling. Second, no Los Padres Forest Users and or local property owners, ranchers etc, want Los Padres Forest Watch's near any land use issue in San Luis Obispo County. Naming them is much like waving a red flag in front of a bull. There is background to my statement, which I am happy to relate over beer and pizza. I can tell you that the Walker Family, who owns the ranch has essentially dared Forest Watch's to take them to court. The end result of a small non profit tangling with a large corporation could easily be the economic destruction of the non profit. I can tell you that I personally will back away from any effort that Los Padres Forest Watch's is part of. I understand that you are a 4x4 group, but... I'd like you to take a look at our project, which is currently in the Forest Service process for Adoption. Best Regards, Richard Waller


More Info.

************************************** This is the story. (Not by me but Forest Watch's Page LPNF

The road – known as Huasna Road – begins in the town of Arroyo Grande,CA and passes buy 25 miles of private farmland, ranches, and a historic townsite before reaching the oak-studded valleys and chaparral-covered hills in the Los Padres National Forest. For decades, visitors have flocked to the area’s two public campgrounds at Stony Creek and Agua Escondido to enjoy springtime wildflower displays, unique rock outcrops, ancient Native American pictographs, abundant game, and access to hiking trails leading in all directions across thousands of acres of national forest land.
But today, public access to the area is blocked by gates and barricades that the Messer Land & Development Company has installed across several segments of Huasna Road. The road passes through the company’s vast property holdings before entering the national forest. Messer is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Queen City Investments in Long Beach, a corporation with assets exceeding $4 billion.
To permanently restore public access to the area, Los Padres ForestWatch is building a legal case in the event that a mutually-agreeable resolution cannot be reached with the landowner. Under longstanding California law dating back to the 1850s and affirmed several times by the California Supreme Court, a public right-of-way can be established by showing five years of continuous public use prior to 1972. If you visited this area prior to 1972, or know of people who did, see below to read about how you can help us restore public access to this area.
This corner of the Los Padres National Forest has been frought with battles over public access stretching back to the 1940s, when landowners first began placing gates across Huasna Road. By the 1960s, with the installation of additional gates along the road, the Forest Service grew increasingly concerned about the reduction of public access to the area. When one of these gates was installed across a County-maintained portion of Huasna Road, the San Luis Obispo County Road Department ordered the gate removed. In 1966, the Messer Land and Development Company filed a lawsuit to bar the County from removing the gate. The Court ruled in favor of the landowner, and the gate was allowed to remain in place.

The access battles flared again in the 1980s when Messer formally requested that the County abandon a 12-mile segment of Huasna Road that passes through the ranch. If the County abandoned the road, it would no longer be obligated to maintain it, and the public’s right to travel along the road would end. After receiving significant public testimony from various citizens and sportsmen’s groups wanting to preserve the public’s right to visit the area, the County Planning Commission unanimously denied the landowner’s request. The U.S. Forest Service attempted to acquire a permanent public easement in the area, but Messer rejected the idea, stating unequivocally that “it is not in our best interest to grant such an easement.”

In 1995, the U.S. Forest Service announced that the landowner had installed another gate, blocking vehicular access to Stony Creek Campground. Three years later, the landowner posted a “No Trespassing” sign on the gate and eliminated all public access to the area. Most recently, Messer installed another makeshift fence across the road with “No Trespassing” signs, barring the public from even more of the area. Recently, several long-time forest visitors and residents have been threatened with arrest while recreating here.

***************************************** About us. Who we are and how you can help
(About Us) We are Trail Blazer's of Pismo. We are a Non-Profit club, to help teachings of the right way to use public land's, Off-roading and respect, and provide clean up's, camping trips, and other volunteer events. such as trash clean up and responsibility patrols. (we keep a look out of violators, ether clean up after them or educate them on the consequences of there actions)

We only aske for your signture and for you to support other's like LPFW and Sierra's Fight, our fight as well, and will be used to start a small group to start the process of helping the privet land owners feel more conferrable of accepting a public easement with out a court order.

************************ Calfornia State law i could find on this.


Under well-established California law, the public has an implied right of access across private land if it can be shown that the public traveled across that land continuously for five years or more before 1972.

People who have accessed this area prior to 1972, or know people who did, should contact ForestWatch at or (805) 617-4610 ext.1 to share your stories and help us build a strong case to restore public access. Old maps, photos, and other evidence showing public use prior to 1972 is also helpful.

Please consider making a donation to our Huasna Access Fund today. This is a long-term effort that will require a significant investment of time to research, negotiate an easement with the landowner, and potentially file a lawsuit if we’re unable to reach agreement.Donate to our Huasna Access Fund today so that we have the resources necessary to pursue this case.

PLEASE HELP. You pay taxes for use of this road and campsite. if we dont use it they will take it away. sign today and keep these place open for your kids and grand kids to enjoy.


Or Support other organisations : Google it. and Read the paper.

TRAIL BLAZER's OF PISMO & Motorized Bicycle & Club (Closed)

Managing Member as of 8/2016 (By Vote) "Trail Blazer's of Pismo" (Closed)

E-Mail Phone: 805-464-6199 (MBC) (Not TBPB)

Updated 12/20/2022 10:53:PM Admin S.A.

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