Re-Hire Enola Gay
We, at ClausFest and Members of the Santa Claus Community respectfully request the re-hiring of Ms. Enola Gay at The River Terrace Hotel and Resort in Gatlinburg, Tn. We believe the termination of her employment to be totally unfounded and unfair. We have personally experienced working with and doing business with Ms. Enola Gay for our ClausFest Festival/Convention and in each and every instance we have found her to be very professional, businesslike and extremely pleasant to work with. She has taken care of our each and every need without hesitation and has extended every courtesy to us that was possible. We believe her to be a tremendous asset to your Company and one that would set the standard in customer service for all employees, both present and future, at The River Terrace Resort and Hotel. We plan to hold another ClausFest Festival/Convention in March 2014, however, if Ms. Enola Gay has not been reinstated, we will have no other choice but to look elsewhere for another Hotel to Host our Event. We would sincerely request that every consideration be given to reinstating Ms. Enola Gay to her former position with your Company, as it our belief that a grievous error in Judgement has been rendered by your Human Resources Department and/or those persons responsible for the termination of what we consider to be a Superior Employee, in the person of Ms. Enola Gay.