Re-election for 2025 Executive Committee- Nerang Roosters
Our previous Club President, Zac Walsh, was wrongfully refused nomination for re-election of Presidency within the clubs management committee; by using the "must hold a minimum of 2 consecutive years on the committee" clause; a move that raises questions not just about his situation, but about the fairness of our clubs processes and management, considering atleast one other Management Committee Member being re-elected has not fulfilled this requirement, and did not have this clause used against them.
This swift move during the Annual General Meeting was infact providing misinformation to the voters at the given time, which is evident as per the Nerang Roosters Constitution Rules (Membership of the Management Committee, Rule 11.2), "all members of the Management Committee for the time being shall retire from office, but shall be eligible upon nomination for re-election."
Regrettably, this incident is just one example where democracy has been compromised by certain members of the Management Committee, and what a number of us beleive is personal vendeta.
Given the circumstances, it is only just and fair to request a re-vote be held within a Special General Meeting.
Signing this petition, you are in agreeance with the above.
Please note: Only financial or life members of Nerang Roosters Junior Rugby League Football Club Inc are eligible to sign this petition.