Petition to provide a lifeguard at Ryan\'s Crossing Pool
The Ryan\'s Crossing Board of Directors have decided against hiring a seasonal lifeguard or security guard for the 2007 pool season. The residents of the neighborhood wish to be able to use our pool center wihtout having to police underage children from using the pool without adult supervision, and to lessen the likelyhood of non-residents using our amenity center without resident approval. Having a lifeguard, or at the minimum a security guard on site will not only help protect the saftey of our residents, but also lessen the possiblity of damage to our single community amenity. We urge each and every Ryan\'s Crossing Resident to sign this petition to prove to our Board of Directors that we are a neighborhood worth changing and protecting. Please sign your name as well as add your address to the comment section to prove to the Board of Directors that a large majority of our residents care enough about this issue.