Rats give love, rats give life

So I recently found out that in some states and cities, rats are illegal to have as pets, even if they're domesticated. A fine will be placed and the rat will be confiscated! Although, of course, it's ok to keep feeder rats, as long as you can prove its for your snake. I'm very against this because rats are some of the sweetest animals and there! I'm sure you would all understand if you had the chance to meet one. Please help, there are hundreds of rats being disowned and confiscated away from their owners, their people that they love and trust.I know if we get enough people to sign this, we could help rats all over the U.S. So could you just take the time to sign one petition? And this one petition, could save hundreds of those sweet animals that nobody really knows. I appreciate your time to read this and hope you feel the same way. We can work together to make sure that in every state, rats can be legal