Rare Ltd. please go back to Nintendo!
Matías Eguillor 0

Rare Ltd. please go back to Nintendo!

32 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Matías Eguillor 0 Comments
32 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To Rare Ltd., this is a petition of us, the fans to ask you guys to plan with Nintendo the reunion of the two companies. We think that the both of you make a great combo due to the great games you guys developed like Banjo Kazooie, Killer Instinct and Goldeneye before Microsoft bought your company, and we have seen that since the day that you joined Microsoft, the games have lost their magic. It’s because of that that we’d love that the two of you joined together to make an agreement to work together, just like old times. We also think this is the ideal time for that because of the discussion of the Xbox One on the internet gaming community that we say it’s a ridiculous idea of the console itself and that it has no future, and that could be bad for you (the need of connecting online within 24 hours, the limited use of games, and other features.) If you could talk with Nintendo so they can buy your company from Microsoft, we think that the success of the games you made for the Nintendo consoles can return, as you and Nintendo working together make an excellent team. So we hope you listen to our petition!

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