Rape, Not our fault or sin
TOOBA Ramzan 0

Rape, Not our fault or sin

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TOOBA Ramzan 0 Comments
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I was 16, when I was raped and at the age of 17, I was a single mother. I was so scared to face society didn’t know to cope with things my family hide this truth from everyone and when my son reached school going age, they asked me the details of his biological father which I obviously don’t know, so authorities in Pakistan wrote my parents name in his parental details, he was then officially known as my brother, Which we never wanted. My ex husband divorced me when he discovered that I have a child in result of rape that was another trauma for me to face in that society as divorced women, as Pakistani society accused me that it was not a rape and authorities can prosecute me.

Pakistan does not accept any illegitimate child according to shariya law (Islamic LAW) neither legally nor socially

UK is the only country who recognised my child in 2013 as my son. And allow him to join me and my present husband on the basis of DNA evidence and Article 8 Human Right.

Now Home Office has rejected my husband application to stay in UK, and want all of us to go back to Pakistan, they never considered our situation on the basis of Human Rights. According Article 8, Private Life my son should have a right to keep his true identity as my son, not my brother. UK is the only country who recognised my son as my son and for that in 2013 I was really grateful to them and proud to be in UK as we consider its our own country, but now they are backing off from their own decision on the basis that if my husband has been rejected his immigration settlement application (who is not even his biological father) then me and my son also should go back which is very unfair. If we will go back it will be ruined our whole life and my son can not proof never ever that he is innocent and will face harsh behaviour and laws from the society and government authorities.

Moreover my son is suffering from unknown severe chronic headache and jaw pain 24/7 for the past two years and doctors are still trying to find out, he can’t move without pain but still very brilliant and a role model for other students according to his teacher , that pain makes him disable in his daily life ,but he is still determine and want to study medicine in imperial or kings college. This would be very unfair, to send him back in this condition.

Article 8

Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others”.

According to above human right my son have a right to live his life with his own identity, as he does not want his grandparents as his parents he knows I am his mother, and I also wants to live as his mother not as siblings.

Please support us and request Home office to allow him to stay in UK on the basis of article 8 private life, so he can continue living with freedom. This petition is a proof that I am not lying and did nothing wrong, That Rape was not my fault or nether my son , if we didn’t do anything wrong then why home office are no more considering us in human right law.

its heart broken when I saw him all the time in pain , he cant eat , or move now without my help .

Please Please Please Support us that in this situation my son can’t go back as he is really sick and under treatment from hospitals.

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