Ramandu's Daughter Name Campaign
Tami Kama 0

Ramandu's Daughter Name Campaign

107 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tami Kama 0 Comments
107 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We hereby petition the creators of the Fox/Walden Media movie "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" to assign the name of Caulitha to Ramandu's Daughter, the woman who will become Caspian's wife. We do this in serious fun in order to receive acknowledgement for the Narnia fan fiction community, which has kept the Chronicles of Narnia fervor alive between and during the release of Narnia movies. The name of Caulitha stems from the fan fiction story "The Changing of the Constellations" by TastyAsItGets. This epic story explains the origins of many mysterious characters from the Narnia series, most notably Ramandu's Daughter, Caulitha. TastyAsItGets is a world-wide known fan fiction author and is universally accepted as one of the greatest in the Narnia community. We would like to show our appreciation for her stories by asking that Caulitha forever be known as a movie-canon character. Ramandu's daughter will most likely have a name in "Dawn Treader." Why should it not have a significance that is close to the heart of fans


This petition is sponsored by Tami Kama, an involved member of the Narnia fan fiction community and ardent fan of TastyAsItGet's works.


http://www.fanfiction.net/u/837227/ http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4348796/1/The_Changing_of_the_Constellations http://narniafanfiction.com/forum/index.php
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