Stop The Rainforest Going Into Further Decline
Lisa Charlton 0

Stop The Rainforest Going Into Further Decline

61 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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Climate change in the Sarawak rainforest situated in the 22 million acres of land in Malaysian Taman Negara National Park is in major decline due to changes within the environment. Plant life, wild animal, mammals, reptiles, serpentines, arachnids are in decline too. The timber industries are another cause that have affected the Malaysian rainforest after the timber trading companies are responsible for most of the ever increasing damage and decline of over 4000, different species of trees. Up to thirty variations of timber species are used and commonly, sold, used and known about world wide. Without the trees, The residents living within the Sarawak rainforest will struggle to live without the lack of food source, oxygen, and medicine the trees provide for their whole existence.

Watch Borneo Rainforest 2011 Video

Animal Life Around the world Orang-utans, Squirrel Monkey’s, Prodosic Monkey’s, Jentinks Duker, Zebra Duker’s, African Elephants, Jaguars, Leopards, Sumatra & Bengal Tigers, Cheetah’s, Cracker Butterflies, White Beareded Hermits, Short tailed leaf nosed bats, Hippotomus and the Rhino’s are becoming rapidly in to decline some are even nearer to becoming extinct within the next ten years. Poachers are on the increase, in 2002 there were only 650 Sumatra tigers left living within the Sarawak rainforest in Malaysia. Today in 2011 there is approximately 3/4 left living in Taman Negara National Park 2010/11 Just recently we have been hearing that the Jaguars are declining at an alarming rate even though they live within the protected area of La Amistad National Park, in the Talamanca Mountains in Central America they have still been a severe target by predators of man the poachers will roam the forests hunting for their prey. Selling the animals fur on the black market found within their communities. Many of the poachers make jewellery using the teeth of their prey making thousands of dollars selling them to unsuspecting tourist, online and to their neighbours. .

Watch The Video >> HRH Prince Charles Give A Speech About Climate Change <<

International Tropic Timber Organization

The International Tropic Timber Organization formed 1986 making the forest more of a sustainable management team throughout the tropics, such as Indonesia, Africa, Haiti, Thailand, Malaysia and Brazil. West Africa The Democratic Republic Of Congo (Zaire), Congo, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Guinea, Ghana and Liberia are all being affected by the timber trading industries. Timber Industries In 2002 The Malaysian residents back in 2002 made a living from selling rattan from the Climbing Rattan Palms to the Dayak Rattan Collectors within the Kalimanton, Borneo rainforest. The timber trade made a astonishing $98 billion US dollars throughout the world selling paper products and other timber products world wide. Russia, United States Of America and Canada are the world leading timber exports of logs and other timber products Plywood is known to found within the Canadian, Russian and Finland homelands are found to be a excellent source of income within the timber trades.

Our Responsilbities

To Keep recycling our waste products effectively, using minimal packaging such as plastics, paper, aluminium cans, glass and unwanted items such as furniture e.g. Sofa’s, chairs, Chaise longe beds (with Fire and safety labels attached) can be donated to a local charity. Many unwanted electrical items can be given to poverty stricken families within your neighbourhood and neighbouring town, cities, valleys and villages. Find more information go online or take a look in your local phone directory. Clothing can be a good source of income for a local and national charities within your local area, or have a garage sale to dejunk your closets . If you are a shopaholic and are strapped for cash and you need to save your cash due to being maxed out on your credit card. Swap sites are a fabulous way help you still get the items you need and the junk you don’t. Ideal for getting that latest dress you have got your eye on, or the latest cd your kids are nagging at you to buy them. Bidding Sites let you upload pictures of your unwanted items and to write your winning description to get the all important sale. Or if you do not have any items to sell and you need to get your hands on all of the latest gadgets you can bid for them and you could end up buying a 42” HD ready TV for a mere £60 not bad for a £5 bid eh! Read more about them online

Government Grants

Saving on the amount of water usage is a must as it plays a vital part in our everyday lives. Many households are struggling to switch their old water tanks and bathroom suites to a more environmentally friendly systems. The UK Governments and local councils are offering environmental and heating grants for household with families who are on low incomes and from disadvantaged backgrounds, or over the age of 65 to apply for the grants to make the switch over.

Benefits Requirements

People who are in receiving certain benefits and are a tenants of the local housing will be able to will soon be changing their windows, doors, kitchen and bathrooms to keep up with demand of standard modern living. For more information go online Direct.Gov.

Saving Energy

Most households are doing their bit but there are still many people refusing to make changes to their own environment within their households. Changes such as turning the lights off when you are no longer using the room, changing from a energy guzzling light bulbs to energy savers which are free to people on certain benefits contact your local utilities supplier for more information.

Other ways to save energy

Turning off all of your electrical items when they are not in use.
Walking or cycling to your work place or other destinations.
Buying local produce within a 20 -30 mile radius to where you live.
Using public transport for the longer journeys.
Reduce the usage of paper billing by paying for your Household utility bills online.
Buy organic produce, cleaning and clothing products.
Always try to invest in buying natural products and reduce the need for plastic products. Plastic give out more toxic gases when they being recycled. Look out for the bio-degradable symbols.

Presdient of Borneo and More

N.B. We need over 10,000 signitures so that the world governments will do more to tackle the ongoing battle for saving the rainforests. Please help to spread the word.


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