Mandee Gormley 0

RAHS Career Prep- Bus Pass Cut

21 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Mandee Gormley 0 Comments
21 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I enrolled in the Career Prep program at Rosemary Anderson East my freshman year (2012) to get access to monthly bus passes, job help, mentoring all the way until age 25. Over the years, I have not needed job help or mentoring so much as I have been needing the bus passes. That was a key reason for me joining anyway, and it's been the only reason I've been able to get to and from work/school. In Portland's current economy, it is unrealistic and out of most of our clients' budgets to afford a $100 bus pass every month to get to school and work.

This issue would be more understandable if it affected the students at RAHS campuses, but it hasn't. It is only affecting those in the career prep progam and that's where the issue is. Many RAHS students don't need the bus passes for the whole month, or don't use the bus passes appropriately. Whereas those in the career prep program are working and some attending college and paying bills and functioning as an adult. I am working to prove that this is an important and necessary expense for RAHS to make.

This petition will be sent in an email to CEO Mr. Joe McFerrin once we reach 30-50 names. Please sign if you agree we need this.

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