Our media is VERY disrepectful to children!
Author DarcieaHouston Texas 0

Our media is VERY disrepectful to children!

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Author DarcieaHouston Texas 0 Comments
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No limitations, expand the minds of our youth. Choose to encourage critical thinking and the importance life skills versus sexual suggestive behavior. Let's praise lyrical talent not sexual content. Sex is for adults; but, children are listening too! Most drivers are adults; moreover, passengers are usually children. And, sometimes, the children outnumber the adults while the radio is on.

Check out what's going on at home, when parents are gone!


The media has been extremely disrespectful to its best audience, children and young adults! When referring to sexual health, children are constantly reminded about sex. Not just one or two songs either. Repetitively, our children are okay with "Pulling them panties to the side!", or accepting, "Kisses down Low!" Although these are great songs "for adults", children are recklessly exposed to the same messages meant for adults. Parents that work cannot control the content their children embrace; therefore, it is our duty to protect children who are exposed to music, television and reading material. These songs take away from our children.

Take greater initiatives to protect our children from constant and redundant sexual suggestive music and inappropriate solicitations of sex during the hours that children have access. This means, before & after school, summer breaks and holidays. Respect our children; stop encouraging sexual thoughts with repetitive hooks. Play a variety of music. There is a plethora of music to choose from, in all genres. Unfortunately, you all have “opted out” of exposing the public to positive music!

Check out these studies, they support my claim: Sexy Media Matter: Exposure to Sexual Content in Music, Movies, Television, and Magazines Predicts Black and White Adolescents' Sexual Behavior; Sexual Behaviors of Hispanic Emerging Adults: Examining the Immigrant Paradox; The Sexualization of Children and Adolescents Epidemic. Here is a clip of the damages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqOvVtMhDvE

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