Protest against fake Iranian Unions in Sweden

Dear country-men Iranian residing in Sweden, All of you have heard of the Persian Union in Sweden. This Persian Union is made of some real and some fake forums, whose members are not legitimate. Even the names of the two years old children and death people are listed. It`s been said that the Malmø section has 1500 members, but after our complaints, it was proven that there were only 170 members. Such forums have been found in other cities across Sweden. By combining these forums, they have formed a Persian/Iranian Union in Sweden which is not legitimate, even though they call themselves representative of all Iranian in Sweden.They are supposed to help and protect the rights of new comers and both Iranian refugees and residents, in sweden and also fight against the crimes of the Iranian government. But what they actually do is, servicing the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iran embassy in Sweden. According to the laws in Sweden, with the money that Swedish population is paying in taxes, every year this alleged union receives about 2 million SKr from the Swedish government to run the Iranian forums and Union. But, they don`t even use 1000 SKr of this money for the Iranians. Instead they use this money to buy villas and mansions for themselves. Even 515,885 SKr donation received this year for the Union from Youth Organization, how and where Union has used this amount, it is not clear.We, the Iranian residing in Sweden are against these injustices and condemn these acts by this petition. We want this illegal Union to dissolve and stop their crimes. we want an honest Union who is working for the Iranian people and the persian culture in Sweden. sincerely, Association of Iranian-Malmø.Internatinal Navid Iran Radio-Malmø.Friendship Radio 1.2. Retirement association of South Sweden- Founders. Iranian-Israelis Friendship association- office of Malmø.