racism - abuse
Sergej Sergej 0

racism - abuse

558 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Sergej Sergej 0 Comments
558 people have signed. Add your voice!
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racism - abuse

Many people around the world still think that racism is no longer a problem in America but a recent survey says that 92% of black African Americans believe that racism still exists. Racism can do a lot of damage to both individuals and communities. A study of over 800 Australian secondary school students found that racism had a huge mental health impacts on young people who experience it. From this study we cannot deny the fact that racism exists even in schools. At this time we should do something to stop this malpractice in the society.

Way back years ago, even the famous leader Martin Luther King experienced racism in school where in the classroom of the white people is different from the classrooms of the black people. Another incident was when they rode the bus. The black had to sit at the back while the white could sit anywhere in the bus and if the white person wanted the seat the black had to give up their seats. To stop this malpractice, Martin Luther King had to protest to the officials in a non violent way in that way he raised awareness among the people on what what is happening between the blacks and the whites.

Another incident where racial discrimination is happening is in American education. The white people had a better education system compared to the whites. Black people went to poor schools while the whites have the best schools. Furthermore, because white people think blacks are worse than whites , they are more often likely to get suspended and punished. This happened to Tyrone, a four year old black American who got suspended without examining what happened and after that incident he found school as not a safe and happy place to go to, he did not even have the same interest in school as before. This in not what we want to happen again to anyone in the world.

At this time, racial discrimination should stop around the world, and that is why we wrote this petition to show awareness to people. We hope we provided enough information for you to sign our petition. Our goal is to collect 50 signatures or more. I wish you enjoyed reading our petition thank you very much.

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