beth borstelj 0

Race Horse Abuse

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beth borstelj 0 Comments
24 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Horse racing is a common equestrian sport where the horses are ridden by jockeys who race against each other. The horse racing industry isn’t always as bad as people say it is but it also isn’t as good. Lots of people waste thousands of dollars every year betting on the horse and buying a fancy outfit to wear at the race. Most people don’t even think about how much pressure is being put on the horses to win the race because if they don’t win, they most likely get sent off to a knackery or some place worse. People are doing things such as forcing the horses to race when they are still a yearling, giving them drugs which can kill them, torturing them until they do the right thing and shooting unwanted horses. These poor horses can’t take it anymore.

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