Alfred Bock 0

R18+ Rating for Australia

36 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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36 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

This Petition is to bring to light the fact that we want an r18+ rating for games, we have this rating for other forms of entertainment such as movies. We want to highlight the fact that with the average age of gamers in Australia climbing, having no adult rating restricts our freedoms as adults to play what we want. Just like movies and even adult book stores have to have their ratings enforced the same would be of games. if r rated movies and material are allowed into Australia why should we as gamers be discriminated against. We will be taking this petition to our local MP and if Micheal Atkinson wants to make this an issue we to will make it an issue. Sign this petition if you want to help modernize Australia's ratings, if you want to be free to play with the rest of the world and not be denied the freedoms that other countries enjoy. PLEASE sign your real name. gamers have lived behind a veil of screen names for to long. now is the time to show our numbers and our true faces. the faces of a people who will not be discriminated against. real names from real people for a REAL ISSUE


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