Condemning the Burning of Holy Quran Event by a Sick Pastor

As you may be aware of the occasion that was declared by an imbalanced pastor in Gainsville, Florida for the Quran Burning day on September 11th, we as peace loving Muslim Citizens of great State of Florida and rest of the USA wanted to voice our protest for this disgraceful event. This is a shameful event for all religion and humanity. We the Muslim community in all of USA condemn all acts of terrorism and no where in the Quran teaches us to participate in violence in the name of God. Please join us to sign on this petition (collect as many signature as possible) so that we can send our message and ask Florida Governor, Congressmen, Congresswomen, Senators and Gainsville City Official what action they are taking to stop this discreditable event from happening in our State. Please do so before September 9th.