Enact a Quiet Zone in Convent Station!
Meghan Barrett 0

Enact a Quiet Zone in Convent Station!

14 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Meghan Barrett 0 Comments
14 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned citizens of Morris Township, New Jersey seek to have the Morris Township Committee begin the process of implementing a Federal Railroad Adminstration approved "Quiet Zone" at the three grade crossings in Morris Township. The grade crossings that would be included would be • Old Turnpike Road between Punchbowl Lane and Kahn Road • Old Turnpike Road and Kahn Road (back entrance to Honeywell plant) • Convent Station (Convent Road) More than seventy five New Jersey Transit trains pass through these grade crossings on a weekday, beginning at 4:30am and continuing until 2:30am the following day. The noise pollution created by the train horns has a detrimental effect on the quality of lives of the citizens of Convent Station/Morris Township. By taking the neccessary steps to implement a quiet zone, we would be able to elimate this unneccessary noise without compromising the safety of the crossings. Convent Station/Morris Township is a wonderful place to live, work and raise our families and a Quiet Zone will only serve to keep and maintain the current population. If you have any questions about our mission or wish to communicate your support, we can be reached at quietinconvent@gmail.com **please note: your email address and address will only be seen by the sponsors of the petition- we will not contact you about anything other than the quiet zone petition.**


Citizens for Quiet in Convent


http://www.fra.dot.gov/us/content/1318 (This is a link to the Federal Railroad Adminstration's website devoted to quiet zone information) http://www.montclairnjusa.org/content/view/1587/570/ (information on the quiet implemented at 12 NJ transit grade crossings in Montclair, NJ)
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