Manny Alexiou 0

Queens Park is synonimous with Baseball

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Manny Alexiou 0 Comments
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When you mention Queens Park to people , most mention the game of Baseball . Baseball is America's pasttime ; but as much as Hockey belongs to Canada , Canadians have a say as to how much Baseball means to them .

I have coached and umpired at Queens Park . I know both my sons looked forward to away games on the schedule at Queens Park .

Crackerjacks , hot dogs and peanuts is what drives fans in to see a ball game . The cozy confines makes for a very fun and relaxing atmosphere whether it's a day , afternoon or evening game .

Although the wind sometimes howls through the stadium at evening games , you leave the stadium thinking that you have just gone through an experience that is unduplicatable .

It would be a complete travesty to see Baseball not played at Queens Park . I urge all supporters of the game of Baseball and Queens Park to make your voice heard .


Manny Alexiou

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