Fair Consideration of the Quantum Optics January 2012 Exam, sat at the University of Leeds
This is for students of the University of Leeds who sat the January 2012 Quantum Optics exam. Please only sign if you sat this exam, as any other names will be removed. This will be handed to Dr. Stuart Lumsden and Dr. Almut Beige tomorrow morning before results are released. ----------- We, the students who sat the Quantum optics January 2012 exam, feel there were circumstances beyond our control that may have affected the mark awarded. We wish for final moderation of these marks to take into account these circumstances. In particular, we feel a number of errors in questions along with the fact that corrections to these errors were given very near to the end of this exam meant that people lost marks both through time wasted understanding what the question was asking as well as attempting to answer incorrect questions. We wish that these circumstances are taken into account for when marks are finalized, so we are not hindered by these mistakes.