ANMF calling upon the Newman Government to cease health cuts and privatisation of public hospitals in Queensland
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We the undersigned members and supporters of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) from around Australia condemn the Newman LNP government in Queensland for:
- Cutting over 1100 FTE nursing and midwifery positions since its election in 2012;
- Ceasing many vital public health services to the community of Queensland, especially in the areas of primary, preventative, community health services and residential aged care as well as services to vulnerable communities such as indigenous and rural and remote communities;
- The privatisation of public hospitals and health services, including a number of state government nursing homes and proposed privatisation of the Sunshine Coast University Hospital and aspects of the Queensland Children’s Hospital;
- Undermining the integrity and governance of nursing and midwifery through attacks on nursing and midwifery career and classification structures; and
- Attacks on the rights of workers and their unions through the introduction of draconian industrial relations legislation and the stripping back of hard won rights at work.
We support the efforts of the ANMF Queensland Branch (the Queensland Nurses’ Union) to oppose these actions by the Newman LNP government given the threat these pose to the integrity of nursing and midwifery in Queensland and the provision of high quality health services to the community of Queensland.
We call upon the Newman LNP government to immediately cease its vicious cuts to jobs and services in Queensland Health and the planned privatisation of public health services and abandon its repressive and adversarial approach to industrial relations.
For more information visit the QNU website.