Put 'Locals Only' music show back on at the Blue Pacific Hotel, Worrim, Bribie Island

Following very few complaints, the only local live music showcase on Bribie Island has recently been canned. This fabulously relaxed and inspiring last-sunday-of-the-month entertainment option is no longer going to be available... without your feedback, support, participation! Bribie is a rockin little place with some amazing musical talent and people like Alby who love providing artists with encouraging access to the adoring public... It would be unfortunate if local small business', council and the general community doesn't totally get behind promoting initiatives like 'locals only'. That a small number of complaints can jeapodise the enjoyingment of many people is very sad. If you'd like to see 'Locals Only' reinstated at Bluey's, or have offers / suggestions, or just want to show your support for keeping live music alive on Bribie, then please sign this petition. Thank you for your efforts :)