Put Linden Kids First! Let Linden taxpayers control our new LCS Multi-Purpose Center

It has recently come to our attention that a large portion of the new LCS Multi-Purpose Center, being constructed at the High School/ Middle School campus, is being allocated to the Southern Lakes Parks and Recreation Gymnastics Club. Southern Lakes has currently leased a portion of Hyatt Elementary school, which they have exclusive access and control of to utilize as a gymnastics training center. The purpose of this petition is to request a public hearing with Linden Community Schools Superintendent, Russ Ciesielski, to discuss the amenities and layout of the new LCS Multi-Purpose facilities main fieldhouse area.
The current design of the main fieldhouse area is split into three sections. Basketball/Volleyball courts (approximately 51.1% of the floor space), Permanently mounted gymnastics equipment (approximately 28.4% of the floor space) which leaves 20.5% of the floor space for a small fitness room and turf field area. This design denies outdoor field sports (i.e. Football, Baseball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Softball, Band, Cheer, Track…) the ability to utilize this building to its fullest potential. This building is being constructed by Linden Community residents, and therefore all Linden School athletes should have the ability and utmost priority to utilize this facility.
The creators of this petition feel it would be more advantageous and cost effective to install a state-of-the-art fitness center, where all athletes can work on strength and conditioning. This would consume 20.5% of the floor space in the main fieldhouse. The remaining 79.5% of the floor space would be turf field with the option of temporary/portable equipment (i.e. Basketball/Volleyball courts) to conduct practices, tournaments, and competitions. This added flexibility would make Linden Schools a prime destination for additional students/athletes, undoubtedly increase student body numbers, and generate a tremendous source of revenue for Linden Community Schools.
In addition, this facility would create vital accommodations for outside private teams, clubs, and groups to rent, and consequently generate additional funds for both the school district and general maintenance of the building itself. At the present time, this petition has the majority support of the Linden Coaches, Athletic Boosters Board and Civic Leaders. Unfortunately, the current design was approved by one public official without sufficient input from the Linden Coaches, Boosters or LCS Board members. Since the building is being fabricated with the tax dollars of Linden residents, we should therefore have a voice in the final product. Please put our Linden kids first and support us in our effort to correct this oversight, and maximize the potential of both this building and your tax dollars.