Pump Track Demolition
Kids bike pump track set to be demolished stemming from a single complaint. The complainant is a younger individual who does not want East Austin families accessing the city park that sits adjacent to the property he rents.
The City of Austin was deeded the land from the neighborhood developer a little over 10 years ago. The land sits in a floodplain and was primarily used by motocross riders before the neighborhood development. The land was also frequented by squatters, prostitutes, and was a site for illegal dumping.
After revitalization of the longstanding pump track and trail system, the prostitution, illegal dumping, and vagrants disappeared. Also, multiple trailers of trash found a way to the dump yard, instead of the Colorado River (thank you residents).
Lastly, while other cities and parts of town have a myriad of biking options, the youth of East Austin do not have access to any other pump tracks. As the City of Austin continues to work through plans to build a new skate and bike park for East Austin residents, we ask the city to allow continued use of the current pump track. With schools being closed and current guidelines requesting park users to use the trails close to the neighborhood they live in, East Austin families will be left without a family friendly pump track. Now more than ever, kids need a place to safely ride outdoors.
We encourage everyone to think back to the first time they were able to put tires on a dirt trail. If that memory still makes you smile, please leave some words of encouragement for the kids trying to keep this pump track alive.