Pump it Up, Pump it Up
One of the most, if not the most, significant features of basketball cheer has been banned by the Georgia High School Association. The cheerleaders are no longer allowed to stomp in stands in order to get the crowd involved.
The main purpose of a cheerleader is to encourage the players and lead the fans in supporting the team. In basketball, stomping in the stands is the way this is done. It brings life to the game. Both the team and the fans look forward to the energy the cheerleaders bring. They expect it. Taking away this expression of team encouragement would interfere with the overall spirit of the basketball games.
According to the Georgia High School Association 2016-2017 Constitution, in Athletics and Activities, Section 3, Item G (page 62), there is to be "no “stomping” of any kind in the stands or seating area of the gymnasium. Stomping is restricted to the floor of the gymnasium." http://www.ghsa.net/sites/default/files/documents/...
Please help us in changing this clause.