Allow public access to the Yahoo Group Anime Village.
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

When Anime Village was still a club, it was hacked into and made unlisted. Yahoo doesn\'t re-list clubs/groups, but they\'ve made special cases to Tenchiville, twice. I want it to be possible to allow anyone to join my group, Anime Village, without me having to invite them.. I want my group open to the public. It\'s the only way I can actually have the group run smoothly. My group used to be a major part of Yahoo Clubs. It has been the #1 club in the entire Anime Category a few times. It deserves another chance. If I get enough signitures, I\'ll send this to Yahoo. So please sign. Thanks.
The Yahoo Anime Group, Anime Village: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/animevillage
Anime Village\'s home website: http://www.dreamora.com